Can u do discount?(question like "what is your last price")
Answer: I can consider it after u buy a car or apartment for me or implement one of my biggest dream. if u r "young ,handsome man" u can ask such question to agency.
Can i do payment after meeting?
Answer: even if I know u 10 years - no
What is your real name?
Answer: Dont even try to cross a line !
I feel we have a connection would u like to go out for drinks?
Answer: Social time cost is 1k/h ( i not need hero who will pretend that he want to help me left industry, bc I love to do what I do and I dont trust empty promise)
Can i see your face?
Answer: After gift card - yes, im Babyface, very similar look like Scarlett Johansson =)
I will appreciate if u shave, and make appointment as early as possible
If u need any special service tell me pls in advance
When showered pls make sure u washed your armpits and use deodorant (sorry it is a big problem nowadays)
Once u did screening I will delete your information immediately
I do care that your family will not know about our meeting, thats why I never write first
Time is very important resource thats why i will write only direct short txt(not empty bla bla), better we talk long at real
Respect and polite attitude on default between us
I like frank and direct ppl so pls feel comfortable ask anything u want
Elegance in my DNA but in same case I like to smile a lot and to make jokes always (hope u too)
I never complain and try to keep positive attitude always
I never push people and respect their borders so pls do the same.